What dreams do you have for the future? Are you doing something about it or are you just stuck in the dream?
Perhaps these phrases hit home even though you’d never speak them out loud?
“There’s something missing in my life.”
“My life is such a mess.”
“Is this really what it’s all about?”
“Surely, there must be more to my faith than what I am experiencing.”
Wanting to change your life is a healthy part of living!
I want to introduce you to The Spiritual Formation Institute, a program that’s been helping people act on their dreams and change their lives by coming to know God more personally.
Click here to see what this experience is all about.
The Institute exists to engage you in knowing and experiencing God and to help you find yourself in new ways by deepening your relationship with Jesus. Here are some testimonies of how participants experienced the Institute this year:
“This last year has been one of the hardest years of my life with personal trials. Because of the knowledge I have gained and the spiritual practices I learned through Spiritual Direction, I now know God loves me unconditionally and has been by my side the whole time. I don’t think I would have made it through the last year without the skills and knowledge I have learned about my Lord and Savior Jesus.” L.V.
“I’m in Year 2 currently. This program has been instrumental in deepening my relationship with Jesus and learning how to better love people. I’ve learned so much about myself and how intentional God is every Retreat!” L.W.
“AWARE. The Institute is incredibly experiential, and while it is difficult to articulate in words, ‘aware’ is the one word that captures the profound impact that the Institute has had on my faith journey. It has made me both more aware of God’s movement in my life, as well as more aware of myself, both in such beautiful ways.” A.E.
“I am taking the Spiritual Institute for the second time because the information and experience was so valuable that I wanted to glean what I missed the first time. Also, I am in a different place six years later and look forward to growing with God in a deeper way.” J.D.
“ ‘Shame’ and ‘should’ have been life-long companions of mine. Even after counseling, I wasn’t fully released from their grip. The Institute offered me space and direction for growing my relationship with Jesus, whose presence with me is real, who enjoys me exactly the way I am, and who gave me grace to see my story as something beautiful to be celebrated.” M.W.
“Through the SFI, I have cultivated daily disciplines as well as deepened my practices of Sabbath, silence and solitude. I have grown to crave the rhythm of retreat as a place to intentionally create time and space to hear God. My identity in and personal friendship with God has grown so much through these two years. It has truly been a significant piece of His transforming work in me.” G.K.
“Having graduated five years ago there are still a number of practices that continue to influence my everyday life. During my time in the program I learned the value of listening well to others, the gift of offering empathy, and how extended times of silence deepen intimacy with Jesus.” C.W.
The Spiritual Formation Institute begins again in 2023! There are 4 retreats that take place at the Mt. Charleston hotel.
Each retreat begins on Sunday evening with dinner at 5:30 and concludes Tuesday at noon.
Each person has a private room so they can have time alone with God.
You can go to our website at www.spiritualformationinstitute.com and click on Retreat Experience, to see the details of the content, reading, and how the Institute progresses from Year 1 to Year 3 (we offer an additional year for those wanting special training).
You’ll have time alone and time with other participants for meals and worship.
If you take part in the Institute, you’ll become part of a community of people who are finding God and more of who they are, who are discovering the dreams God’s given them, and how to reach for more life with God.
I welcome you to come, seek and find! Registration is open now for the new year up the Mountain! Registration will close at the end of December. If you have specific questions not answered on the website, call the Renewing Life Center, and someone will assist you.
“Lord, I thank you that you give us the bread of life. All around me people are looking for meaning, satisfaction, freedom, connection. But these are all aspects of deep spiritual hunger, and only your grace and your face can satisfy that. Keep me from their cosmic wild goose chases. Let me taste and see that you are good. Amen” (THE SONGS OF JESUS, by Tim Keller, pp. 293).
Patricia Meye, M.Div., D.Min.