The Porn Problem

It may be no surprise to you, but according to statistics, there is a prevalence of pornography use in our world today.  Is pornography a struggle for you?  For someone you know? How can this struggle be overcome?

Pornography can be defined as “Printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.”[1]

Here are some startling statistics from a study by the Barna Group and Covenant Eyes[2]:

1.     Over 40 million Americans are regular visitors to porn sites.

2.     47% of families report that pornography is a problem in their home.

3.     68% of church-going men view porn on a regular basis.

4.     56% of American divorces have one party having “an obsessive interest” in porn websites.

5.     55% of married men and 25% of married women indicate watching porn at least once a month.

Studies have found a significant correlation between pornography use and mental health such as connections with anxiety (20.4%), depression (17%), and stress (13.5%) in both males and females.[3]  Research has also found that pornography use has a negative effect on “relationship satisfaction, sexual satisfaction, and intimacy within heterosexual relationships.”[4]  Pornography doesn’t just negatively affect romantic relationships, but also friendships in general, perceptions of social acceptance, and relationships with parents.[5] Other studies have found an association with binge drinking and drug use.[6]

Many people struggling with pornography experience feelings of isolation, guilt, and shame. They want to stop, but also feel trapped in cycles and patterns that may cease for a season; but then continue.  So many people struggling with pornography don’t know what to do, and don’t have much of a plan to deal with the problem.  Others have tried to deal with the problem in various ways only to experience frustrating failures again and again so often resulting in even greater discouragement.

At Renewing Life Center, we want to provide an opportunity for people struggling with the problem of porn to get help.  Our compassionate Christian counseling staff can help you or someone you know overcome the problem of porn with God’s help.

Starting in the Fall of 2022, Renewing Life Center will be offering a therapy small group for men that will provide resources, training, support, and an intentional plan to overcome the porn problem.  The program will involve 3 small group meetings a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-9:30 AM, as well as an individual counseling session once-a-month to be scheduled with the group facilitator (me).  If you are interested, have questions about the group, or want to sign-up, just contact our office at 702-434-7290.

Pastor Kevin Scott




[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Ibid.

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