Taking Evil Thoughts Captive


Walking is one of those activities I find very pleasure filled and therapeutic. My walks consist of routes of 2 to 5 miles depending on how I feel and how much time I have on my hands. Generally, I use them to clear my head or solve problems that I might be in a ‘thinking loop’ about.

A while ago I found myself facing a few things.  I needed to take one of my rejuvenating walks to work through them. However, on this particular day, what I call “attacks by the enemy” came at me fast and furious. As I walked, trying to focus on the real reason I was out there in the first place, thoughts about what Uncle Ralph did to my mother’s second cousin on Christmas 1965, and the time I forgot to take the trash out six months ago were seemingly jumping out from behind every rock and bush along my walking path. As I tried to concentrate less on the distractions and more on my thought agenda, I became less reflective and more frustrated.

Then, an idea came to me. I needed a place to put the distractions, a way to get the ‘enemy’ to retreat. First, I thought of the lyrics to “At the Foot of the Cross” (Kathryn Scott) which in part says, “I lay every burden down, at the foot of the cross.” Then my mind went to the story about what Jesus did when he was in the wilderness for 40 days. His only companions probably were wild dogs and the occasional rock or bush. What did he do when Satan came to tempt him? He fought back with Scripture (in Matthew 4 and Luke 4) probably speaking it out loud to his attacker. I began to wonder, “How do I handle this ‘attack’ on my ability to think?”

For me, the answer was clear; “Pray, dummy!” So, that’s what I did. I prayed out loud. The words that came out at that moment were, I felt, powerful and Biblically sound. Best of all, the prayer seemed to work. Now, I was out walking.

I liked what I heard and wanted to use it as a tool in the future. As soon as I got back to my car, I took out a notepad and wrote the prayer down. Later, I searched the Bible to validate the contents of the prayer and added that to my original notes. I started carrying the scrap of paper around with me in my wallet and would whip it out any time I was challenged or felt attacked. It seemed to work every time. I was moved to print it on business card stock and hand it out to others who confessed to me that they were being attacked and it seemed to be well received.

It’s been several years since I wrote this prayer. The original is still folded up inside my Bible. I still carry a copy in my wallet. And I still hand it out to others to read out loud when they are ‘attacked’. Curious? I’ll give it to you. My advice is print it. Keep it with you and at those moments when you feel the noise of ‘Satan’s garbage trucks’ are drowning out your thoughts, read it to him. Let your challenges know how big God is and how small they are.

Taking Evil Thought Captive

Have I introduced you to my God? The Lord?… 

He’s the Alpha and Omega… The beginning and the end…

He was here before you existed and he will be here after you have ceased to exist… He is the Father of my Lord, Jesus Christ who was born of a virgin on this earth with only one purpose, to die as payment for my sins. He offered forgiveness and grace to me and I accepted letting him dwell in my soul. He has free run of all the corners of my spirit leaving no restrictions of access to any place even where it is difficult for light to shine. There are no hiding places which I allow the filth of sin to flourish without it seeing Him. So, beware evil, you shall have no safe haven in this house, for the Lord of the house is He who died the death of a criminal so I could live free for ever and ever… AMEN…

© Jeff LaSpina 2016

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