I talk with people about having a relationship with Jesus, how to:
· Start one.
· Sustain it as the relationship grows.
· Trust and enjoy a relationship no matter what is going on; to view Jesus as like a good friend who travels with you through good and not so good days.
Knowing Jesus and trusting Him is what He desires for us. Jesus doesn’t want to be a “duty” in our lives. And we don’t want to be a “duty” to him.
I came to know Jesus when I was 16 years old. Before that I was thinking about him a lot and wondering how to actually connect with him. I wanted a real and personal encounter with him. One night at our church a man came to speak to all the youth. He said words I had not heard before, that
· God loved me personally.
· Gave his son, Jesus, to be my Savior, Lord and, in time, my friend!
· Jesus waits for me to seek him.
· And, when I was ready, I could invite him into my heart as my Savior!
I told the speaker I wanted to know more. He invited me to meet with him and his wife as we read the gospel of John weekly over the next several months. One day I understood what John 3:16 was saying and chose to believe in Jesus as my savior, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
I continued meeting weekly, learning more about Jesus. Then came the day when I read in John 15:4, “Remain in me and I will remain in you.” Everything was making more sense. Since I believed in Jesus as my Savior, he would not only have an eternal relationship with me but would remain in me as I remained in him. As I choose to remain (or abide) with Jesus, he would abide with me!
Fast forward many years.
I continually find there is much hunger in people to know and understand Jesus, but also much confusion about coming into a daily relationship with him.
I invite you to travel with me this year in developing a real daily relationship with Jesus–not one of duty, but one of “abiding,” you in him and he in you!
Let’s start with these questions on John 3:16-17. (If you like, get a journal to record your thoughts).
· When did Jesus begin revealing himself to you? How?
· Have you said yes to his offering his life for you as Savior? He’s inviting you to now if you haven’t.
· Are you hungry to know and be with him beyond his being your Savior?
· If so, say yes to Jesus, committing to abide with him so Jesus will, in turn, abide with you.
Contemporary words carrying the same meaning as abide: Be with; hang out with; be present to; open your mind/heart to.
Living a “duty life” with God
Some of us live “dutifully” for God. We may come in the morning to acknowledge Jesus, perhaps by reading Scripture or a devotional thought. We then go into the day, not connected with Jesus in relationship, but only by an act of duty we performed that morning. We then repeat this pattern daily and find security and approval in doing our duty. We go into the day free to do our daily tasks – without God – because we believe our duty with God is done.
Moving from a “duty life” to “daily abiding”
Abiding with Jesus involves opening our heart, soul and mind to allow Jesus, daily, into our lives. We choose to move from a self-rooted orientation of daily performance to consider how Jesus may inform, reveal truth and establish a relationship beyond self. This is a big step!
· Being with Jesus begins to change us.
· We start to see our world differently, at times through Jesus’ eyes.
· We experience Jesus’ presence and begin to open to his care, truth and influence.
· As we hang out with Jesus, we see expressions of him becoming present in us, allowing our self to be vulnerable to his teaching and love.
· Jesus’ real presence forms a two-way relationship, allowing us to come to know him, and our self; we start to trust him and look to abide with him throughout the day. This is the power and blessing of remaining. Transformation is happening, as we become more and more like Jesus one day at a time. (See 2 Corinthians 3:16-18)
I invite you to join me this year, ABIDING WITH JESUS, coming to know him in real relationship. We will, together, experience a real relationship of abiding, first meeting with him in the morning, then walking with him as you live your day, whatever that day holds! He’s not there to judge you but to know, love, and experience day-to-day life with you as your Savior!
“Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.” Psalm 9: 10
The Renewing Life Center exists to be a support as you live your daily life. If we may assist you with life challenges, please call (702) 434-7290 to let us offer supportive intervention.
Pat Meye, Director, Spiritual Formation Institute