Seeing a Different “Light” at the End of this Tunnel

Inside the loss and struggle of crisis is a hidden potential for GOOD. It’s not readily seen, nor is it easily embraced. BUT, none-the-less, crisis times can be times of profound positive change….what the Bible calls Transformation. This transformation involves our whole being, mind, heart, soul and body. In an article, DON’T WASTE A CRISIS John Ortberg writes, “thousands of people were asked when they grew most spiritually, what contributed to their growth? People said they grew more during seasons of loss, pain and crisis than they did at any other time.” Pain, crisis and loss doesn’t always produce this good outcome. If we want pain, loss and suffering to bring about long term positive outcomes in our life here are some helpful tools:


When crisis hits we tend toward closing up; we narrow our outlook of life; we are afraid to trust, afraid to reach out. We lean toward isolation. Our feelings cause us to pull away from conversations and privately we freeze, getting angry, depressed, not knowing what to say even to God.

IT’S A CHOICE TO LET GOD IN during these times of crisis. In Psalm 34, the message to us is GOD REALLY WANTS IN WHEN WE ARE IN NEED, be it pain, suffering or brokenness. “If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there; if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you breathe.”(v.21)


CATCHING OUR BREATH is a fitting metaphor when crisis hits. Learning to breathe again is transforming. Here are some ways we can let God in:


*Ask God for help! Scream it, cry it, whisper it, speak it out loud from your heart. He will hear you and come in His chosen way and at the right time.

*Turn to writings that speak of God……His ways, His thoughts, true stories that tell of God rescuing people in need. The Bible, biographies, autobiographies are a good start.

*Watch movies that bring to mind the grace, love and care of God.

*Reflect back on times when God showed up and did other rescues in your life. He is the same now as He was then.



When we are “frozen” in crisis talking out our feelings begins the thawing. It is important, though, to TRUST OUR FEELINGS TO TRUSTWORTHY PEOPLE. Everyone isn’t a good listener. Asking trustworthy people to just listen, not problem solve creates a connected supportive circle. When we verbalize our feelings of pain/loss we are on our way to gaining control and understanding of our feelings. Sharing once sets the stage for subsequent times that become easier and easier.


If we don’t have a trustworthy “other” available in our life when crisis hits finding a counselor that fits with our needs can be vital and amazingly healing. Sharing with one who understands and is trained to come along side us can be a key to desired transformation.


Friend or counselor, speaking our feelings out loud helps create a NEW EQUILIBRIUM in our life where HOPE for the future can grow!


Similar to recovery from surgery or some physical damage, our emotions do need TIME to recover too. Little steps done daily are far better than grand acts of exercise! Each part of our being needs care.


*Feed our MIND with both good thoughts and no thoughts. Let the mind have time of simplicity of thought. Then rest allowing our mind to be still.

*Ask our HEART what it needs TODAY. Seek to be kind and gentle to our self. Take comfort in knowing God KNOWS and UNDERSTANDS us and where we are at this moment.

*Let our deeper feelings surface without fear of losing our self or control. Acknowledge that our SOUL is fragile and takes special attention for understanding its content. Be still, allowing our soul to be touched by God.

*Daily give attention to the language of our body. Does it need more rest, exercise, feeding, the voice of a trustworthy friend? Be responsive to our self as we would to another in need. Our body is worthy of protection and care. We need to not demand too much or too little.


CRISIS can be a WINDOW of OPPORTUNITY which no one seeks. It is in, reality, an uninvited friend. Crisis does pass! As it has entered our life as a seeming enemy it can leave being a strange but worthwhile companion.

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