Looking Again at the Five Invitations to You from Jesus


We are flooded with invitations every day from endless world markets, well known manufacturers, private salesmen and everything coming at us on our computers, phones and even Facebook! Turn on a sports event and you have eight to ten commercials trying to grab your mind in between the action of the event you’re trying to enjoy.

So, what is this doing to our lives? One thing is that we can become passive or, worse, resistant, to believing that anything offered to us could really be what it appears!

We’ve been journeying through the five invitations Jesus has extended to you in the gospel of John, chapters 1-5. I want to encourage you to take a second long look (or, for you, it may be a first look). This is an opportunity for you to give deeper consideration at what Jesus is freely offering you. 

My Dad used to say to me, “Nothing worth having is free!” I now know this to be profoundly true. What Jesus offers to you is not free. It cost Jesus everything to be able to freely extend these to you. Here’s a picture of what Jesus did to make his life-giving invitations possible.

“Jesus, who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking on the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.  And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death even death on a cross!  Therefore, God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:5-11).

Take a longer look at these five invitations Jesus extends to you, completely free of charge!

#One:  Become a Child of God, John 1:1-14

#Two:  Jesus’ Gift of Eternal Life, John 3:1-17

#Three:  Come and Drink Living Water, John 4:4-39 

#Four:  You Can Trust Jesus’ Word, John 4:49-50

#Five:  Believe Who I Am by What I Do, John 5:5-10

I encourage you to let them speak to you.  Take each invitation separately and reflect on what Jesus wants to give you. Jesus loves you beyond your wildest dreams!  He waits for you to take His invitations very personally, not as a marketer selling something, but as a Savior and Friend giving you a life-changing gift.   

Which invitation (or gift) stands out the most to you?

Which one bothers you or raises questions in your mind/heart?

How could one of Jesus’ invitations change your life?

Don’t be fooled that these gracious offers aren’t what they seem to be. They are the REAL DEAL. Millions of people through the ages have responded to the gifts purchased for them by Jesus! Their lives tell of amazing grace and good as a result!

Do you want to talk over the deeper meaning of these invitations for your life? Come to the Renewing Life Center and engage with a counselor how to make them real to you. Each one of us has taken Jesus up on them.  And our lives have been changed. We would enjoy meeting with you. 

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