We’ve been journeying with Jesus, focusing on his seven “I AM” statements in the book of John, and it comes to an end with this final defining revelation: “I am the vine and you are the branches” (John 25:5).
What is Jesus trying to say here?
Jesus had just washed the disciples’ feet, experienced his last supper with them and was preparing them for his being taken, judged, and ultimately crucified on a cross. In the midst of this teaching, Jesus explains, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father… The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves” (14:9-11).
Jesus’ teaching was for the disciples but also for a person today seeking to know God and understand Jesus Christ, his son.
In chapter 15 Jesus explains the relationship he has with each disciple, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener… Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me” (15:1-4).
A living union with Jesus is absolutely necessary! Without this living union, there is no life and no fruit.
Abiding or remaining in Jesus is where and how all life from God is sustained. These were Jesus’ parting words to his beloved disciples. They are his words for any disciple today. It is a powerful truth. Just as a branch carries and sustains life from being essentially attached to a tree, anyone wanting God’s life in him or her needs to be essentially attached to Jesus!
When you take time to look straight at this truth, much confusion about knowing God comes into focus. It is not good works, performance or even moral living that brings God close. God comes close to you through union with Jesus. You choose to believe in Jesus and union is birthed! That union grows from being in intimate relationship with Jesus throughout your daily living.
What would union look like in your life with a friend, family member, or spouse? You:
*Talk to this person,
*Think about them in your day,
*Work out ways to be together,
*Honor them in your heart and daily actions,
*Grow in trust because of the ongoing intimate relationship you share.
This is also what union with Jesus looks like! And you can do this! Just as you do in a human relationship, you can learn to abide (or remain) with Jesus. It’s not instant!
Where are you today with Jesus?
*Know Him but not intimately?
*Wanting to learn how to abide or remain much more as you enter into 2022?
The Renewing Life Center wants to support you finding and sustaining a real, fulfilling relationship with Jesus through both counseling and a program focused directly on how to develop this relationship.
The name of this program is The Spiritual Formation and Direction Institute. The Institute has been created to assist a believer to go deeper with God, learning how to live in a close abiding relationship with Jesus. Below is a snapshot of facts explaining it. If you want more information, go to: https://spiritualformationinstitute.com.
The program is a yearly experience, starting in January of each year, having four retreats held at Mt. Charleston Peak Hotel. If you find want to join others on this journey with Jesus, you may register on the Website. The first retreat is January 23-25. Registration for 2022 closes January 13th. If you have questions, please call the Center for clarity on any specifics.
Going deeper with Jesus is life giving and fulfilling! May 2022 be such a year for you.