Have you ever been given a gift for no known reason? You didn’t work for it, deserve it, or ask for it. You simply were in the right place at the right time and BANG, there you are……being offered this gift you couldn’t quite take in or imagine!
At age 15 I heard a person speak about Jesus. I had never heard words so clearly, “I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). I was being given a gift. I wanted this “life” he was offering, and I wanted it “abundantly”! It made sense to me and got me excited to reach out to this “LIFE.” I went to a Bible study to learn more about Jesus. At age 16 I told Jesus I wanted all of His LIFE that he would abundantly give me and so began my life in Christ!
Fast forward to today, many decades later. Let me tell you about this massive and magnificent gift of “LIFE” Jesus gives to anyone who desires to receive it.
This gift of life has many components! Jesus gives not as the world gives, but freely, with ongoing joy to bless and keep you. It’s a massive gift of God’s royal purpose, fulfilled in your daily life by Jesus, God’s true shepherd.
It begins with Jesus’ own Spirit entering your life. Jesus’ Spirit isn’t an external presence hovering outside you, but rather enters into your heart, mind, soul and body. The Spirit makes himself known by new thoughts, desires and feelings that emanate from Jesus (John 16: 13-14).
It centers around Jesus caring for you like a Shepherd cares for his sheep. Jesus is the gate and whoever enters through Him will be saved. Jesus then begins shepherding, making Himself known to those who enter. He invites you into a knowing personal relationship, listening to you as He also teaches you to recognize His voice. He oversees your daily coming in and going out, guiding and showing you how to follow (John 10:9).
Jesus shepherds you by guarding and defending you from those who would want to rob and steal, teaching you how to discern His voice from others. He keeps watch, quietly protecting you, giving love through His presence. He shepherds by inviting you to know Him again and again, so your trust grows to follow Him wherever He leads (John 10:3-4).
Jesus delights in you, watching you grow and thrive within His care. If you casually stray, He will come to you, not quitting until He finds you. Leading you by His intimate presence, He will, with wisdom and gentleness, guide you back to safety and His loving care. (John 10:7-9)
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who wants good for you. When you resist His presence and run away, He doesn’t let go. Knowing what has pulled you away He lays down His life for you, fighting for your return (John 10:11).
There is a magnificence to Jesus’ gift of life. What he offers isn’t small, limited or poor. Yet, when Jesus spoke offering the gift of life there was no cheering or shouts of joy from those listening (John 10:3-9). The magnificence comes through experiencing His life.
It is life abundantly. In my life with Jesus, I’ve come to realize that He gives far more than I ask. I don’t want to offend Him or be greedy but His word to me often is, “come and ask.” Jesus won’t give what he knows would hurt you. But he delights in blessing you richly when it is right.
“Life abundantly” is the accurate way to describe the life Jesus gives!
It is life eternal. The Bible gives ample information on what eternity with Jesus is going to be like. To say it simply, the best is yet to come! This life isn’t a rehearsal, but a “foretaste” of God’s glory and majesty that will be complete in heaven. Sin will be expelled. God’s fullness will reign. We will know Him as He has known us. Won’t that be such a day!