“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
I was driving to an early morning appointment this week, adjusting to the brightness of the sun which was shining directly in my window. It got me thinking about just how powerful the sun is; that it makes it possible for me to see where I was going.
After my meeting I was heading to the Center to write this blog. I saw a parallel between the sun’s function to daily bring light into our dark world and Jesus, who, in a very different way, brings light able to shine in the darkness that otherwise can overtake our lives.
Jesus’ self-disclosure in John 8 is one of seven declarations he makes about himself in the book of John, referred to as the “I AM” statements. Each help us comprehend his identity. Let’s look at what it means for Jesus to be the “light of the world” and therefore the light in our personal life.
Jesus says, “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” What an incredible proclamation! I personally experience this to be true! Jesus is not saying there won’t be darkness around us if we follow him. Rather, he will be our light in the darkness, so we will never have to lose our way. I wish I could tell you I have never lost my way in the darkness since I became a follower of Jesus. I have. What saved me in those times was turning to Jesus, inviting his light into my darkness and then him showing me which way to go. He has never failed to be light in my darkness when I asked.
Jesus is proclaiming how you may have his light in all kinds of darkness which impact your daily life. YOU MUST FOLLOW HIM! When I was a mom with two young children, I was tempted at times to consider ways to tie them to me so there wouldn’t be an opportunity for them to stray or get lost. Of course, I never used such methods to keep them safe. But I learned to never take my eyes off them in a crowd or especially at night. Jesus never takes his eyes off you either. But, like a kid at times, you and I stray instead of following close behind. Part of maturing in knowing Jesus is to learn how to follow close to him. Even when we don’t, Jesus’ loving eyes are on you nevertheless! His light is available when you stray into darkness or darkness finds you. You may feel like you’re in a dark closet or a room with no light and don’t know where the switch is, but if you ask Jesus to bring his light, he will!
Jesus invites you to “taste and see” what his light is. He’s saying: If you choose to follow me, my light will shine brightly, and never go out, no matter the circumstances. You will have “the light of life” that I give, which is so different from this world’s light.
Is this world’s darkness affecting you? Is it like you’re in a dark room not knowing how to turn on the light? As darkness in your world presses in, Jesus’ light gets that much brighter to mark your way.
And, not only will Jesus give you his light, once he does so you can also be “the light of the world” to others who are caught in real darkness (see Matthew 5:14). Jesus says, “let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
Seeker of light or bearer of his light, Christ is able to diffuse darkness, giving the “light of life” as you follow him.
As always, if the Renewing Life Center can serve you in some present darkness, we would be delighted to do so.