Jesus is in the Room

COVID has greatly affected our lives. Perhaps you have had to significantly alter your daily schedule, or abort your plans for the future, or file for unemployment. You may have lost a loved one and could not be with the person when they passed. Your emotions are frayed, and your mind is filled with confusion and questions. 

As a result of COVID’s impact, you may be asking yourself: In a world that has been turned topsy-turvy, can I still trust Jesus Christ?

My answer is: Yes. Absolutely. If you are willing to let him meet you.

Jesus hasn’t changed. He’s still loving. He’s still powerful. And he is trustworthy. But our circumstances have changed. And our changing circumstances may make it difficult for us to believe we can trust Jesus.

We need to learn how to let Jesus come to us in our new situation.  

After Jesus died, the world of his disciples was turned upside down. Their lifestyle was radically altered. They hid themselves in fear. Their hopes for tomorrow was gone. They felt like they had lost everything.

Then Jesus came to them. “While the disciples were together with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them. ‘Peace be with you!’ He said to them” (John 20:20).  

The Scripture goes on to tell us that, “After He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side” (John 20:20).  Why did Jesus do this? Because he knew the disciples’ doubts and anticipated what they needed from him. They needed proof that he was alive and that what they were seeing was his resurrected body and not some spooky ghost.

The disciples experience can be our experience. This powerful encounter teaches us at least three important truths about Jesus.

First, Jesus comes to us. He comes to us when we are lonely, discouraged, and struggling. He comes to us even when we don’t think he’s trustworthy. Jesus enters into our room.

Second, Jesus knows how to meet us where we are. The disciples were filled with doubts. Jesus gave them the proof they needed to believe again. And Jesus knows how to give us what we need. He might use a Scripture, a song, a friend — but he will meet us in our questioning or in our empty place.

Third, Jesus continues to be completely worthy of our trust. When Jesus encountered the disciples, they realized death had not won. When we come face to face with Jesus, we realize that COVID has not won. In that moment our doubts and fears begin to give way to the great reality of his presence in our lives.

But all of this leaves us with a challenge: If Jesus is in the room, how do we recognize his presence, and how do we hear his voice?

I will continue to blog on these questions in the coming weeks.  I hope you join me in the discussion and reflection.

If you want to discuss these questions with someone sooner, I encourage you to make an appointment at the Renewing Life Center by calling 702-434-7290.

I also invite you to look closely at the SPIRITUAL FORMATION & DIRECTION INSTITUTE found on our Website. These questions and more are part of Year One, “Learning to TRUST God.”


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