I Didn’t Sign Up for This!

It’s that time of year, back-to-school. Normally, our kids would be asking for new clothes, new school supplies, trying to figure out how to open a locker, and we would be doing everything we could to minimize the stress of the start of a new school year. But this year, everything is different.

This year, not only do we have to handle the stress of a new school year and all the hurdles that come with it, but … your home is also going to be your child’s classroom. Whaaaa?

I know, it sounds daunting, but you can do this!

One of my biggest recommendations for the start of this school year is to create and maintain a schedule. What you are about to experience will be a huge change for you, your family, and your kids. When you create and implement a routine into your child’s school day, it will give them the structure they need to have the best online learning experience they can. Children thrive in routine, so it will be most beneficial for you to create a schedule for your kids that simulates a normal school day. This means waking up at the same time, getting dressed for the day, eating breakfast, and sitting down at a designated spot where they can focus on learning.

As you start to get into the school groove, it’s important to consistently be communicating with your kids. How are they feeling? What do they need? How can you help? What’s working and what needs to be changed? Doing this will not only strengthen the bond between you and your child but will also make their distance learning experience as seamless as possible.

If you start to feel overwhelmed, fight that feeling with prayer. Ask God to give you patience and wisdom for how to best serve your child during this time. You can also reach out to friends and other parents to talk through things you’re struggling with. Contact the Renewing Life Center; we are here for you! Your family may feel out of control, but so many families are going through the same challenges right now. Everything is going to be okay!

Once you’ve settled into your routines and are starting to get into the swing of things, continue to make time for fun. Take breaks. Get outside. Go for walks. Do fun activities as a family. Most kids have a recess or gym time scheduled into their school day. Take time to incorporate physical activity into their home school day.

My daughter goes to college in California but because of the pandemic, she will be staying home this semester taking online classes. While I’m sad that she is missing the college experience, I am so thankful for the extra months I get with her.

Your life probably feels crazy right now, and you don’t know when things will go back to “normal” so choose to make the best of what you have right now. This extra time with your children is a blessing, so let’s cherish the moments we have and make the best out of difficult circumstances.

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