How Sharing Your Trauma Story Can Help You Heal

Many of us have experienced trauma in our lives – whether it be a tough childhood, an unexpected loss, or a life-altering moment that changes the way we view ourselves, others, and the world.

Processing through this trauma can be hard. In fact, for some it can be debilitating. When we are unable to process through the emotions surrounding the trauma we have experienced, it can cause both short- and long-term consequences.

In 2015, I experienced a traumatic life-altering event that changed the course of my life moving forward. My life as I knew it was gone. It took me months to accept this new reality, and I stayed in a constant state of anxiety until I was able to process through what had happened.

After processing through my trauma and the emotions surrounding this in personal therapy, as well as growing my relationship with God and allowing Him to heal me in all areas of my life, my therapist encouraged me to do something that I didn’t think was possible. Share my story with others.

God wants to use your testimony to help others!

In Philippians 3, Paul shares his own story of suffering and how he was able to come closer to Christ through it. It is often through our trauma, and sharing in our suffering with Christ, that we come closer to knowing who God is and how much he truly loves us.

How you decide to share your trauma story is a very personal choice, and it should start with a person or a group of people that you trust. It takes a lot of vulnerability and strength to share our trauma with others, but it can also provide a level of healing that only this type of story can provide. It can also bring healing to others who hear your story, as they can relate and have empathy and compassion for what you have experienced and overcome.

I would like you to take a moment and ask yourself – is there anything holding me back from processing through the trauma I have experienced? What is the narrative that I am telling myself that is stopping me from believing that my story isn’t as important as others?

As you are reading this, I want you to remember three things:

1) Sharing can start in therapy – sometimes it can be hard to imagine sharing our story with others, but it can start with processing through your trauma in therapy. At the Renewing Life Center, we are here to help you do this in a safe place. Simply call our office at 702-434-7290 and our team will get you connected with a counselor.

2) Sharing your trauma is healing – experiencing trauma can create negative emotions such as shame, guilt, and anxiety. However, sharing your trauma can help you process through these emotions and change the way you view the trauma you have experienced.

3) Sharing your story is powerful – this doesn’t have to be done publicly to be effective. Sharing your story with even one person can change their life forever. Hearing your personal story of both trauma and healing can create a sense of connection that is only possible through the power of hearing your personal testimony.

Your trauma can be a powerful testimony that inspires others. Start with your own personal journey of healing, and then allow God to use your story to heal others.

Nicole Tanguay, M.S., LCPC Intern

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