Go Deeper with God in 2024

As we finish this 2023 year of the Spiritual Formation Institute, I am more encouraged than ever to see this program grow more and more!  I want to share what has taken place in lives up the mountain and invite you to consider participating in our 2024 year.

The original vision of SFI in 2014 was to assist pastors, leaders, and maturing Christians to have an opportunity to go deeper with God.  This vision has remained the center of the program. Since 2017 the Program has been housed at the Retreat on Charleston Peak on Mountain Charleston Mountain.  There are 4 Retreats, spread throughout the year: January, April, July, and November.  The picture above shows the 2023 participants celebrating their completion.

SFI allows people to come and find time to be alone with God….to renew their life, their ministries and developing friends for the long haul of life who are like minded in heart.  Each Retreat has six sessions of teaching, three Worship services, but also several significant blocks of time to seek God alone.  I am thankful to see how these components work together to create a place to KNOW God more deeply, to talk to Him, to hear from Him and to have life in Him take new turns and direction.  THIS IS WHY SFI EXISTS!

I see in my therapy work how hard life can be for Christians who are facing ongoing challenges they do not know how to navigate.  SFI is just one of many programs across this country that God has raised up to provide a place to hear from Him, to be encouraged by Him and to catch a fresh vision of who they are in Christ for such a time as this!

Here are a few comments from participants how SFI has impacted their life and outlook:

“Not only has my relationship and dependence on Christ flourished, my family and partners in ministry have acknowledged my spiritual growth. I’ve come to realize that what I’d been searching for in my Christian walk was up on the mountain the whole time! I will value and utilize these tools and practices for a lifetime.”

“The SFI has provided me with the space, environment, and stillness to encounter the Spirit in a way that has replenished my soul. So often as a pastor myself, the time to be still before the Lord is in constant tug of war with the many to-dos of ministry. This year forced me to take the time of renewal and soak in the abundant life Christ has intended for us. My desire is to bring other staff to experience the life-changing gift of SFI.”

If you are a leader, pastor, or growing Christian that desires to go deeper in your trust with God, and to continue following Him where He leads, look into SFI, a program of the Renewing Life Center.  I would enjoy answering any questions you may have.  Please go to our website for more information:  www.spiritualformationinstitute.com 

May the new year afford you to go deeper with God,

Pat Meye, Director, Spiritual Formation Institute


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