Finding Clarity in Extremely Uncertain Times
These are crazy and uncertain times. Anxiety and insecurity seem to seep into our day as we wrestle with concerns about jobs, the economy, the election, social media, divisiveness and a host of other uncertainties. Many families struggle to see a clear path to navigate school with their children in the Fall. We are unsure about how to keep ourselves and our family healthy. Many articles seem to bring vastly different predictions about how and when we will emerge on the other side of the Covid crisis.
My world got a bit crazier five weeks ago when I tested positive for Covid 19. I promptly (though inadvertently) shared it with my family – we were a pretty miserable crew quarantined in our home. When my family tested positive, I joked about helping our community by promoting herd immunity. As we were recovering from Covid, I began to think, Whew – I am glad we don’t have to worry about this virus anymore. But further research brought more uncertainty; how long do antibodies last, what is the role of our T-cells, can you be re-infected? Fortunately for us, it was a rather mild case, and we all came through it fine. During the last half of my quarantine, I enjoyed having a little more time to read and think and find some more peace and clarity in this crazy time.
I revisited a wonderful book I read a few years ago by Andy Andrews entitled “The Seven Decisions”. Andrews challenges his readers to follow seven decisions to bring consistent clarity to each day regardless of what it may bring. When I originally read this book a few years ago I developed my own list of daily decisions I believed were important to bring clarity and purpose to each day. I came up with eight “change your day” decisions. I keep this list of decisions in my journal and I review it often. As I reread the book, I seized on this idea once again because we are living in a time where we desperately need clarity.
My work as a Marriage and Family Therapist puts me in daily contact with people who are describing anxiety and angst because of the vast amount of uncertainty they are facing. When it is appropriate, I share this list with my clients. These eight decisions come from some of the great truths of scripture. The decision to put these truths “front and center” will guide us through the day and provide a clear focus regardless of what comes our way. I personally think of them as a compass which helps me renew my mind, find clarity and stay on the right path. I hope they might help you, so here they are:
Eight Daily Decisions
Love: Today I will love God with all my heart, mind soul and strength and I will generously share God’s love with my family and all others God brings into my life.
Joy: Today I will joyfully and thankfully live fully present in God’s creation.
Faith: Today I will be aware of God’s active presence in my life and I will trust that as I do my best work He will bring the results He desires.
Creativity: Today I will creatively use the gifts and resources God has entrusted to me to do the work that He has called me to do.
Courage: Today I will live courageously. I will not allow worry about tomorrow, regret, fear, anxiety, or the opinions, and criticisms of others sway me from my calling.
Action: Today I will be a person of persistent action. I will not allow laziness, distractions, comfort or procrastination keep me from my day’s most important priorities.
Grace: Today I will seek God’s forgiveness and freely forgive others. I choose to live my life free from grudges and resentment. I will share the grace God has given me.
Growth: Today I will seek wisdom and growth. I desire to grow in wisdom, skills and abilities by earnestly seeking God, His word, wise mentors, and great books.
I want to challenge you to copy these eight decisions and read them daily to bring focus and clarity throughout this crazy and rapidly changing season.