The world in which we live has a way of deconstructing our faith. Anxiety, heartache, busy schedules, unanswered questions and everyday challenges conspire towards this end. In my last blog I tried to be honest about some of the faith challenges I have experienced in 2023. It’s been a hard year! I also shared truths from scripture which have allowed me to find great encouragement in my relationship with God.
When we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ we begin a life-long FAITH CONSTRUCTION where Reconstructing our faith is an ongoing process. With this in mind, let me share another scripture which God has used again and again to rebuild my faith, when it’s weak and tired.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 11:1-2).
In this passage, the writer compares following Jesus to running a race. He offers several helpful suggestions that can help us run the race effectively.
Throw off everything that hinders. Things that hinder are not sinful, but they are not helpful either. They are things that get in the way of running well. Think of the things in your life that are not wrong in and of themselves, but when excessive, they can interfere with your relationship with God: leisure activities, excessive work, kid’s sports, physical appearance. Cut back. Make adjustments. Throw them off.
Forsake the sin that easily entangles. Sins are those things we do that are an offense to God. I find it interesting that the writer observes that our sin can easily entangle! That’s a sobering thought. Easily entangle! And, when sin ties us up, we don’t run towards Jesus. As a result, we don’t experience the life—love, hope, joy, peace—he offers. Is there something in your life today, that you know is displeasing to God. Don’t rationalize it. Forsake it.
Fix your eyes on Jesus. As we run the race, we are called to fix our eyes on Jesus. As the author and perfecter of our faith, he shows us how to run the race. He ran it all the way to the cross—for us. His death makes our life possible. And as we look at the cross, and what he suffered for us, we are given new courage to keep running. I fix my eyes on Jesus by reading scripture, praying, worshipping with God’s people.
Here’s the problem: When my faith is not in a great place, it’s hard to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus. They tend to fixate on the challenges and problems I’m facing. Now what do I do?
To begin with, be honest about where you are at with God. Tell him that you are struggling. Earlier in this same letter, the author reminds us that in Jesus, we do not “have one who is unable to sympathize with our weakness (Hebrews 4:15).” Jesus knows our weakness. He sympathizes with it. And he is wanting to give us “mercy and grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).
When we are struggling it’s also so important to run the race in community with others. At the beginning of this passage, the author reminds us that we are “surrounded by a cloud of witnesses.” When you are weak or discouraged, the encouragement, support and prayers of others can lift you up and carry you, so you can run on your own again.
Life works to deconstruct faith. But, if we throw off things that hinder, forsake the sin that entangles, and keep our eyes fixed on the One who loves and understands us, we will, again, experience RE-CONSTRUCTION and one day make it to the finish line.
The Renewing Life Center exists to support you in whatever life challenge you are facing. If you find you could benefit from another joining you in your journey please call the Center, allowing us to be on your journey with you.
I personally welcome you to consider attending a two week class on How To Go Deeper With God I am offering August 16 and 23rd, Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:15. You can sign up clicking here. The cost is $25.
Patricia Meye, M.Div., D.Min.