Conquer Worry and Anxiety

Do you struggle with worry and anxiety? Would you consider yourself an anxious person? I have struggled with anxiety for most of my life. I handle it well most of the time, but when things are bad, I find myself awake at 2am wrought with fear. It can become paralyzing at times. 

I’m currently reading Dr. Daniel Amen’s book, Conquer Worry and Anxiety. In it he lists 25 simple and effective ways to combat worry and anxiety. I thought I’d share some of my favorites with you.

1.     Start every day with the words “Today is going to be a great day.” Your mind makes happen what it visualizes. When you start the day by saying these words, your brain will find the reasons that it will be a great day.

2.     Write down three things you are grateful for every day. Researchers found that people who did this significantly increased their sense of happiness in just three weeks.

3.     Every day, write down the name of one person you appreciate. Then tell him or her. Appreciation is gratitude expressed outwardly, and it builds positive bridges between people.

4.     Limit screen time. Studies report a higher level of depression and obesity with increased time spent with technology.

5.     Exercise-it is the fastest way to feel better.

6.     Stop complaining. It rewires your brain to see the negative in way too many places.

7.     Spend time with positive people if you want to feel happy. People’s moods are contagious.

8.     Learn to kill the ANTs (automatic negative thoughts). Whenever you feel sad, mad, nervous, or out of control, write down your negative thoughts. Next, ask yourself if they are really true or if they are a bit distorted, making you feel worse. Focusing your mind on positive, rational thoughts will help you feel much better.

9.     Journal your feelings. It helps to get them out of your head and allows you to gain perspective.

10.  Practice meditation or prayer. Focusing on Scripture for just 5 to 10 minutes a day is a simple yet powerful way to improve your life. Prayer and meditation have been found to calm stress; improve focus, mood, and memory; help you make better decisions; and reduce feelings of anxiety, depression, and irritability.

At the Renewing Life Center, we are here to support you no matter what you are going through. Click here to schedule an appointment with one of our qualified and caring therapists. 

(Amen, D. G. (2020). Conquer worry and anxiety: The secret to mastering your mind. Tyndale House Publishers.)

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