Men's Support Group

The Conquer Series group for men overcoming pornography is a 12-week support group meeting on Thursday evening from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the Renewing Life Center.

man in black suit sitting on stairs

Every Thursday, 6-8pm

The group begins on Thursday, July 11, 2024 and ends on Thursday, September 19, 2024. This is not a therapy or counseling group but is a volunteer-led support group using a national curriculum. The group will be led by Michael King, who has several years’ experience leading the Conquer Series and helping men overcome pornography. Register today. Space is limited!

There is a $50 fee for materials to be paid on the first night of the group.

“No one ever said you had to do life alone. That's why this group is so helpful for me: I know I am not alone in this struggle and there are others like me who want to be better.”

— Steve M.

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