Marriage Classes

All couples – whether dating, engaged, newlyweds, or married for many years – want the same thing: a happy relationship. But when it comes to love, this is sometimes easier said than done. Marriage is a union that is ever-growing and always changing. The key to a great marriage is to ensure that you are growing together – not apart. The more time goes by without healthy communication and intimacy, the less likely you are to succeed in your relationship. That’s where the need for marriage courses arises.

man in white polo shirt kissing woman in black and pink floral dress

Can You Hear Me Now?

Effective Communication Skills for Couples

Join us for a two-part class to improve the communication in your marriage. Taught by Mark Whelchel LMFT, this class will help you learn to communicate and resolve conflict more effectively with your spouse. You will learn how to:

  • Have productive conversations without the fighting.
  • Bring up a topic without triggering defensiveness.
  • Use effective tools to keep your conversation from escalating.
  • Avoid the communication mistakes many couples make.
  • Bring your conversations to a resolution and avoid unproductive loops.

There is a $50 fee for materials to be paid on the first night of the group.

“Look: we were in a rough spot. Tired, stressed, and seriously over-worked. Like most of Vegas, just done with it all. That's where this group came in and helped save the day. Perfect timing and great people.”

— Steve and Mary M.

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