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Random Acts
Have you given or received a random act of kindness? If so, what memories do you have of it?No matter your assessment, let me assure […]
Read NowHow to Create a Strong Marriage
Have you ever wondered why some marriages seem to flourish while others seem to continually flounder? Do you have a desire to make your own […]
Read NowAnger Management, Part One
Do you struggle with anger? Get mad easily? Yell a lot at your kids or spouse? Anger gets brought up a lot in counseling sessions. Why […]
Read NowInvitations from Jesus to a Life Journey
The Bible tells us that each of us can know Jesus, really know Him, in an experiential and relational way. I invite you to join […]
Read NowLoving the Others Behind the Wall
I live in a neighborhood that has large concrete walls between the houses. My hairstylist and his family live on one side; a lovely retired […]
Read NowYour Surprising Superpower
Would you like to decrease your feelings of anxiety and worry, improve your outlook on life, and reduce your feelings of depression? You have the […]
Read Now“I was able to connect to a kind nonjudgmental therapist who was a good listener and offered solutions to my concerns.”
— Greg F.