Experiencing Jesus, Step by Step, As We Welcome Him into Our Daily Life

The Christian life isn’t a stationary life! Rather, it’s a life that changes with the winds and the circumstances that confront us! The CONSTANT in our life is JESUS, who doesn’t change but rather desires to be with us in our day-to-day, ever changing life.

The Bible is full of these changing circumstances. It tells us real life stories that allow us to see how God engages with us in each new circumstance. Jesus always shows up when we need Him, helping us to navigate the new.

Take this story from the life of Jesus.

“When evening came, his disciples went down to the lake, where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum. By now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them.  A strong wind was blowing, and the waters grew rough. When they had rowed three or three and a half miles, they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were terrified.  But he said to them, ‘It is I; don’t be afraid.’ Then they were willing to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading.”

The disciples had never been through this storm before. Understandably, they were anxious and afraid. What’s going to happen? What ultimately made the difference for the disciples was the presence of Jesus. His presence brought peace. The same is true for us.

This past year has brought a significant storm into my life. Last December, I thought I had a bad cough. I went to quick care twice. The cough stayed. I finally went to my doctor, and in three minutes, she said rather forcefully, “Pat, you don’t have a cough … you have pneumonia! You need to go to bed and now!” This diagnosis led to other complications, so I listened and did what I was told. I had never been so sick, not even close.

Six months later I was getting better and began to work out again. My strength was coming back, or so I thought. My husband and I proceeded with a long-planned trip to Italy. As we landed in Europe, I immediately felt weak, but assumed not getting any sleep on the plane was the problem. Instead, I got worse and worse. I went to a doctor who quickly diagnosed me with COVID, the European rendition, which brought painful symptoms. We cut our trip short and came home so I could get better. I am still dealing with some of those symptoms today.

This health storm shook me greatly. I began to wonder if I would ever feel healthy and mobile again. I had always valued my health and my ability to be out and about, what if it never comes back?

Thankfully, I have never felt alone during this time. While the storm brought new questions and challenges, I knew Jesus was with me. He has been my constant companion, and His presence has brought a new outlook on sickness and being human! I needed Him, daily, to give perspective on how to get up every day without the normal energy I’ve always known!

I don’t know if I will ever regain the lost strength. But I feel like I have gained much more – having Jesus walking closely with me, guiding me in and through daily circumstances by His presence!

So, where are you today? One thing is certain: there will be changes in the days ahead. Storms of one kind or another will come. And when they do, you will have an invitation and opportunity to experience the companionship of Jesus in a new and fresh way. He will be there, in your new situation, going before you and giving you a difference making perspective.

Would you like to know more of the companionship of Jesus in your daily life?

Would you like to know how to make more room in your life for Him?

Would you like to go deeper in your own relationship with God in the coming year?

The Renewing Life Center exists to assist you in your life, whatever challenges you are facing.  We are trained to come alongside you in your life, listening and being present as you navigate your life! Click here to schedule an appointment.

I also invite you to go to the website, www.spiritualformationinstitute.com, to consider participating in this Four Retreat program that begins in January. If you have questions about the Retreat please call 702-434-7290 and ask to speak with me.

Pat Meye, Spiritual Formation Institute Director

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