Does God Fit into Your Plans for 2021?

The Renewing Life Center is a place for renewal, a place to engage, somewhere to sit down and be heard and to hear! 

Whether you come for counseling, classes, or Spiritual Direction, RLC’s mission is to participate with you in experiencing new life and life to the full.

Here is an invitation to you for the new year!


We will be offering four classes, one each quarter of 2021, where you read, listen, dialogue with others and interact with the teacher(s) on a wide diversity of topics:

JANUARY 12TH, DIVINE CONSPIRACY…rediscovering our hidden life with God by Dallas Willard,  (8 weeks)

            Taught by Dan Ward and Ed Zagalo

The DIVINE CONSPIRACY is an invitation to participate in God’s Kingdom here and now. Using the Sermon on the Mount as a launching pad, the author invites the reader to “Kingdom Living”.  In short, Kingdom living is becoming so enmeshed in God’s love that one becomes a person for whom doing good is so natural that their right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing (Matthew 6:3).  If you desire this type of life, or even wonder if it is possible, then “Come and see”.

APRIL 27TH, PUTTING OFF YOUR OLD SELF… the Enneagram as a Spiritual Formation tool  (3 weeks)

            Taught by Scott Whaley

This class will help you identify the underlying desires, fears and false stories that impede your spiritual growth in Christ.  It will help you begin to access your spiritual strengths as you choose to respond in Christ during critical moments instead of reacting from unconscious motivations.  Finally, you will be introduced to spiritual practices that will assist you in the lifelong endeavor of “putting off the old self and putting on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:24).

AUGUST 24TH, THE WAY OF TRUST AND LOVE by Jacques Philippe (3 weeks)

            Taught by Laura Balch

Looking through the teachings of St. Therese Lisieux, a spiritual writer from the 1800’s, we find her attitude of trust and love to be simple yet inspiring.  “Asking our Lord to help us have the courage to believe, and always to be able to look at ourselves, the world and the church with hope.” She  urges us to ask the Lord to purify our love, to make it truer, deeper and ultimately happier. This is a path of responsibility but also the path of life and joy.  “Joy doesn’t reside in the things about us, but in the very depths of the soul”, Therese Lisieux.

Join us as we explore what freedoms await us as we trust and love God through simple acts of kindness and love.

NOVEMBER 2ND, STEPS IN GOING DEEPER WITH GOD: to know and be known, to love and be loved (5 weeks)

            Taught by Pat Meye

We were made for relationship, first with God and then with others and even self.  This class looks closely at our real and life-long search for fulfillment in relationships.  We explore the possibility of knowing Jesus personally, surrendering to his invitation to be loved and the amazing growing capacity to love others that flows from being loved by him. We will also explore steps in this development to help us see where Jesus is at work in our life.

FACTS TO KNOW:  Cost: $40  (Scholarships available) per class

                               Location:  Renewing Life Center

                               Sign up:  Call office (702) 434-7290 between 9-5 p.m., starting December 21  

                               Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m.  for all classes

All classes will honor protective practices to ensure safety as we gather.

I look forward to seeing you at the Renewing Life Center in 2021.  

Merry Christmas!

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