Counseling for Pastors
Pastors often have a need for counseling for themselves, their families, and their staff. We are here to help meet that need in a caring and confidential manner. Many members of our counseling team are ordained pastors with years of pastoral work in the local church. We know it can be difficult to find a safe place to get counseling. We created the Center with you and your church in mind. We have made it our goal to provide a place for pastors, their families and their staff to receive care.
What You Can Expect
- Special accommodations for confidentiality as needed.
- Discounted rate for you and your team.
- Discounted rate for pastoral family members.*
- Priority scheduling.
- Priority counselors.
- Direct billing to the church is available when desired.
*Discounted rate for pastoral family members
The rate for pastors and pastoral family members is $80.00. Rate reductions for pastors are always available if the counseling fee is a block to care.