Who Are You?

What do you believe about yourself?

Do you think you are smart and capable, genuine, and caring? Or do you believe the opposite … that you are a loser, a nobody, or a failure? Your thoughts matter! The things you think and believe about yourself have a significant impact on your life. Your core beliefs about who you are form the essence of your identity and self-esteem.

I have worked with many people in my counseling office who have an extremely low self-image because of painful experiences in life. They grew up in environments where criticism was normal, and encouragement was absent. They don’t think much of themselves, and they don’t believe they have much to offer. My heart always goes out to them. Their life is held hostage by negative self-perceptions. I want them to see the truth about who they really are and who God created them to be! 

What is the truth about us? I believe God has a lot to say about who we are and who He created us to be. For my clients who believe in God, I share my own list of CORE TRUTHS that I read regularly to remind myself of what God says is true about me. Here is the list I give to my clients; I hope it is as helpful to you as it is to them. 

 Core Truths

1. I am made in the image of God.

2. I am deeply loved by God. He likes me, is fond of me and calls me His friend.

3. I am completely forgiven. Through belief in Christ, my sins are forgiven, and each day is a new start.

4. God knew me before I was born. He created me and then redeemed me to be a part of His story on earth.

5. God empowers me. He is able to do immensely more than all I can imagine according to His power at work in me.

6. God promises to meet all my needs.

7. God cares about the pain I experience, and He promises to use all things for my good.

8. God’s Spirit lives in me and guides me daily. I am never alone; God is always with me.

9. I am not my own. I belong to God. I am a part of His family which has both benefit and responsibility.

10. God will bring the work He is doing in me to completion, and I will one day live with Him.

If you are a follower of God, all these statements can be core truths that form how you view yourself. They enable you to live your life from a healthy perspective and be able to see yourself as God sees you. I encourage you to look at God’s word and create a list of truths you want to remember every day; core truths that will guide your life and create a strong foundation.

Remember, the team at Renewing Life is here to help! Feel free to call us at 702 434-7290.        

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